
Welcome to OriGinaLize Prouduction... D.I.Y. Fashion&LifeStyle

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Only in ORIGINALIZE PROUDUCTION, you can get high-label products like sold on Distro or Clothing Company!
You can find stuff like T-Shirt, Jacket, Sweater, Accessories,Punk Stuff, Jewelry, etc...
With such variety and limited edition!!!
Available for Ladies and Gentlemen,Teenager & Young - Adult, Maternity, Sexy Size - Extra Large Size, Normal Theme - Bizarre Theme, Religious Content - Funky Content, and So On!!
Just Choose what you'd desire, then order it! Don't forget your name and delivery address, product code/size/color within.

Di Originalize, Anda bisa mendapatkan produk-produk bertaraf Distro seperti T-Shirt, Jaket, Sweater, dll.
Dengan motif variatif banyak pilihan tetapi limited edition!
Tersedia untuk Wanita - Pria, Muda -Tua, Sexy Size - Big Size, Normal Theme - Bizare Theme, Religius Content, dst!!!
Tinggal Anda pilih mana yang cocok, lalu pesan! Sertakan nama & alamat jelas pengiriman, kode produk / ukuran / warna.
